3rd – 5th Grade

Otters & Raccoons
Our Otter program is for children who have completed the 3rd or 4th grade at the beginning of camp. It is a 24-day program in which campers share a bunk room with five other campers. Otters will do a one-night camp-out at a unique location on Glen Brook property.
Our Raccoon program is for children who have completed the 5th grade at the beginning of camp. It is a three-week program in a bunk of 8 total campers. Raccoons will do a one night and two-day wilderness trip away from Camp.
Otters and Raccoons enjoy archery, arts & crafts, farm-life, nature, swimming lessons & games, woodworking and a whole variety of games together. During General Swim and Free Time before supper, they may choose what they do. The entire camp community sings along after supper and plays an evening activity before cabin groups retire to their bunks for bedtime, including reflections on the day and a story.