Food & Nutrition

We grow most of our produce and meat, and all of our eggs here at Glen Brook. We can accommodate any dietary restriction, and look forward to sharing a meal with you!
Our mission statement says, “the respect we afford one another is as vital as the wholesomeness of the food we eat,” Food nourishes us individually, brings us together communally, and interconnects us with this living planet. Where our food comes from has enormous implications for flavor, ethics, environmentalism, and gratitude. Our incredible food can be appreciated by thanking the chickens who laid your breakfast eggs, harvesting the vegetables for your lunch-time soup and salad, and picking the fruits that will go into the evening’s dessert. Meals at Glen Brook are a healthy and creative endeavor thanks to our farmers’ and chef’s leadership and love. We share meals around campfires and tables, and we grow our own food with compassion for our animals and passion in our garden, Gabriel’s Field.

Gabriel’s Field
Gabriel’s Field is a source of amazing bounty and beauty. Campers and visiting students are involved in the garden at every level, from composting to planting, to transplanting seedlings, to weeding and harvesting. It’s not uncommon for a child to have their first experience of enjoying a new vegetable at Glen Brook, after having been involved with the care, harvest, or cooking of that food.

Farm Practices
Campers engage with the questions that accompany our food choices. Learning to strive towards minimizing our negative impact and having a positive footprint on the earth. We do our farm work by hand, ensuring lower emissions and a closer relationship with the ecosystem we are privileged to steward. Our farm has been organic and free of pesticides for as long as we’ve been a Camp, and we use no-till and biodynamic practices to increase the vitality of our soil health. We view our farm as a living organism that yields the highest quality food in the most sustainable way when all aspects are in balance.