
We tend to remember Glen Brook in terms of its last few decades and its connection with the Waldorf School, but there is a rich history that begins long before the school or the camp came into being.
A Brief History
- The Penacook People of the Abanaki Nation inhabited the land that is now Camp Glen Brook in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire before European settlers arrived.
- Since 1776 when Jedediah and Mary Tayntor arrived by oxcart, Glen Brook has been the home of farmers and craftsmen, legislators, artists, and teachers.
- In 1946, the 200-acre Glen Brook Farm, was purchased by William Harrer, a teacher from The Rudolf Steiner School in Manhattan, as a place for school children to spend summers away from the city. Students and teachers from many other schools and places soon began to arrive.
- In 1973, through the generosity of William Harrer and Peter Curran, the Waldorf School of Garden City acquired Camp Glen Brook. Shortly after, Glen Brook began providing outdoor educational opportunities for school groups during the school year.
- Since then Glen Brook has grown to offer a winter camp, family programs, a gap semester for young adults and adult weekends for the general public, welcoming people from across the nation and around the world.