8th Grade Trip

The 8th grade just finished spending a week at Glen Brook focusing on studying the weather, and learning the art of Maple Sugaring.  Their Main lesson time included daily weather observations and stories about people whose lives and jobs depend on understanding the weather.  The students helped out building a new dock at the waterfront where they learned quite a few skills in artful and precise construction, and helped out on the farm getting the greenhouses ready for the spring.

The main focus of the outdoor work was Maple Sugaring, as our season was underway in earnest. Students learned about the history of maple sugaring, learned to identify and tap sugar maple trees, gathered sap, and learned the ins-and-outs of the entire process.  From boiling and monitoring the evaporator, to testing the finished syrup with a hydrometer for the exact right sugar content, to bottling the syrup for sale, these students know what it takes to run a sugar house.

We look forward to seeing this class as 9th graders in August when they return for their High School Orientation trip!



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